Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner サンクスギビング・ディナー

I woke up at 8 this morning, walked Koko, and started cooking around 9 am. It took me about 3 hours to finish all these (I love my pressure cooker!). It wasn't a big meal compared to last year, but I am satisfied with all we had. Happy Thanksgiving!

Cornbread dressing with gravy, turnip and mustard greens, rotisserie chicken, rolls, boiled eggs, cranberry sauce.


Lane Dudo said...

boiled eggs?!?!?! what happened to deviled eggs?!?!??!?!? :-) happy thanksgiving!

Anne Palmer said...

I ate at my parents house for thanksgiving, and I really wanted to put a sunny-side-up egg with a soft yolk right on top of my dressing on my plate, but my dad would have gotten grossed out- he hates eggs. Looks like you did good on your Thanksgiving meal!

Unknown said...

Looks Delicious Jiro. Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving.