I just received my new camera from Japan (took only 4 days!). Panasonic GF1 is about to be replaced by GF2 or whatever they call, so the price has been dropping pretty bad these days in Japan. When I ordered, it was 40,000 yen (about $490) with the 20mm pancake lens ($688 at Amazon USA as of today). Unfortunately, you cannot ship any batteries to the United States right now, so my mom had to take that one out of the box. I ordered the battery from Amazon USA (it was cheaper than Amazon Japan), and it's on the way to my house right now. I'm gonna upload some pics whenever I get the battery pack.

My new camera Panasonic Lumix GF1 with 20mm f/1.7 pancake lens
新しいカメラ、パナソニック Lumix GF1 と 20mm f/1.7 の単焦点パンケーキレンズ

with electronic view finder, lens hood, and strap...
I know, I'm a nerd...

Compared to Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xti with EF 28mm f/1.8 USM and lens hood, it looks like a point & shoot camera. They have almost the same length converting to 35mm scale. (taken with my iPhone 4)
キャノンEOS Kiss X (アメリカではRebel Xtiと呼ばれています)にEF 28mm f/1.8 にレンズフードをつけた物と比べると、まるでコンデジみたいです。35ミリ換算だとこの2つはほぼ同じ画角になります。(iPhone 4で撮影)


My new camera Panasonic Lumix GF1 with 20mm f/1.7 pancake lens
新しいカメラ、パナソニック Lumix GF1 と 20mm f/1.7 の単焦点パンケーキレンズ

with electronic view finder, lens hood, and strap...
I know, I'm a nerd...

Compared to Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xti with EF 28mm f/1.8 USM and lens hood, it looks like a point & shoot camera. They have almost the same length converting to 35mm scale. (taken with my iPhone 4)
キャノンEOS Kiss X (アメリカではRebel Xtiと呼ばれています)にEF 28mm f/1.8 にレンズフードをつけた物と比べると、まるでコンデジみたいです。35ミリ換算だとこの2つはほぼ同じ画角になります。(iPhone 4で撮影)
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