キャノンのFDマウント50mm f/1.8レンズをeBayで$17.50で手に入れました。数十年昔のレンズですが、安かったので試してみました。マイクロ・フォーサーズのカメラは古いレンズがアダプターを介して使うことができます。マニュアルでフォーカスをしないといけませんが、フォーカスアシスト(ズームしてフォーカスしやすくする)と電子ビューファインダーを使うとそれほど大変ではありません。

Well, I got this camera because of its size, but you know...

50mm is equivalent to 100mm in 35mm scale.

50mm 1/2000 f1.8 ISO100

50mm 1/80 f8 ISO100

50mm 1/500 f1.8 ISO100

50mm 1/1300 f2.8 ISO100
One thing I don't like so far is this Japanese menu. I tried to find the language settings, but there's no such a thing!! I was really surprised because most modern digital cameras have almost all major languages installed already. I learned most photography terms in English with my Canon. I still understand those terms in Japanese, but I would like to use English if I can. I think I'm gonna have to hack the firmware.

Followings are taken with GF1 with 20mm f/1.8 pancake lens.
以下はGF1と20mm f/1.8パンケーキレンズで撮影。

Well, I got this camera because of its size, but you know...

50mm is equivalent to 100mm in 35mm scale.

50mm 1/2000 f1.8 ISO100

50mm 1/80 f8 ISO100

50mm 1/500 f1.8 ISO100

50mm 1/1300 f2.8 ISO100
One thing I don't like so far is this Japanese menu. I tried to find the language settings, but there's no such a thing!! I was really surprised because most modern digital cameras have almost all major languages installed already. I learned most photography terms in English with my Canon. I still understand those terms in Japanese, but I would like to use English if I can. I think I'm gonna have to hack the firmware.

Followings are taken with GF1 with 20mm f/1.8 pancake lens.
以下はGF1と20mm f/1.8パンケーキレンズで撮影。

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