Friday, July 30, 2010

At The Park Again また州立公園へ

She likes fetching.

She tried to jump but decided to cheat.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hot Again? また暑くなります

It has been pretty cool lately, but looks like it's gonna be hot again this weekend.

Sleeping on the A/C vent

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Food 新しいごはん

Koko started her new diet today. I mixed with some old ones.

Looks like she liked it.

Koko doing her trick in Japanese

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cold Soba 冷やしそば

I think this is a typical summer meal in Japan. Japanese soba with natto, okra, shiso, and green onion. I had tofu, boiled eggs, and cucumber with miso for sides.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blue Buffalo ブルーバッファロー

Koko's been eating this Blue Buffalo brand food. (Chicken and Brown Rice)

I decided to change her diet to fish base food and went to PetSmart today. This one was $44.99 for 24lb. I was wondering how much it costs in Japan, so I went on their Japanese website. I can't believe how expensive dog food is over there!! Ok, I did the math. Here in the states (at PetSmart), this one is $1.92/lb or ¥362/kg. And in Japan, it's $10.39/lb or ¥2,008/kg!! I understand they have to tax it and add some shipping cost, but this is simply ridiculous!!!

Some More Videos ビデオ追加分

At Tyler State Park with Koko, Kobey, Emmy, Anne, Marcus, and Trey

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Emmy Day 3 エミーとの3日目

Third day with Emmy. We went to Tyler State Park! I'm gonna post some more videos later.
エミーとの3日目、タイラー州立公園へ行ってきました! あとで追加のビデオをアップします。



Friday, July 23, 2010

Emmy Day 2 エミー2日目

2nd day with Emmy

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Emmy エミー

Emmy is going to stay here until Saturday again.

Looks like Emmy is little bit scared of Koko.

Koko & Emmy eating dinner.

Koko & Emmy at UT Tyler

Yamato 大和

I went to the new Japanese restaurant called Yamato the other day. I know how Japanese restaurants are here in the states, so I wasn't really surprised, but I really wish we have real Japanese restaurant. I mean Japanese owned real Japanese style restaurant. Yamato is owned by China King. Shogun is owned by Korean. I just wish they start Korean restaurant instead of fake Japanese. I love Korean food!!

I thought this was Japanese soup called "osuimono". But it was just chicken broth.

I ordered some sushi.

Everyone except me ordered what they call hibachi. I don't know who started calling this thing hibachi, but this is supposed to be called teppanyaki. Hibachi is like a fireplace (we don't use them anymore.). I mean Hibachi is not a cooking device. It is a heating device.
In Japan, playing with food is EXTREMELY rude. So please don't think everyone in Japan cook like this. In fact, no one cooks like this in Japan.

So, everyone was eating fried rice and steak. First of all, fried rice is Chinese food. We go to Chinese restaurant to have some fried rice in Japan. And I don't think steak is Japanese food either. It's just weird to see nobody eating Japanese food at Japanese restaurant. It's like going to a Mexican restaurant and seeing everyone eating hamburger. Oh, and Lane said she had some egg shell in her fried rice. That's why you don't wanna play while you're cooking!!

But the weirdest thing was this...

Okay, I would give them 1 out of 5. I didn't like their food, and their service wasn't good at all. Like I said before, if you live in Tyler and want some good suchi, just go to Brookshire's on Rice Rd.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stickers ステッカー

Some labradoodle stickers on my Golf.

This one was $4.50 (free shipping) on eBay.

This is the same one I had on my Element. $2.48 (+$0.44 S&H) on eBay.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Parasites 寄生虫

This may be a little bit disgusting, so if you are about to eat something, please stop reading now.

I found some worms in her feces this morning. They looked like short flat noodles, but it was moving. After reading some on the internet, I found they were tapeworms. So I took her to the vet, and the doctor gave her some medicine for it. I have to give her some more again in 3 week. Fortunately, it's not contagious. Dogs get tapeworms by eating infected fleas.
Well, dog owners, this is why you have to pick up after your dog use the bathroom. It's for your dog's health, too!!!

One more (disgusting) thing I asked the vet to do was to squeeze her anal glands (anal sacs). It started stinking when she licks around it. I thought her groomer did it when she had shampoo. Anyways, the doctor said they were full.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tyler State Park タイラー州立公園

Okay, Anne took us to the Tyler State Park this morning. She had a one year pass, so we didn't have to pay. But I decided to pay for my own pass ($60 per year) so I can go there anytime I want. I can go to any state park in Texas without paying.
友達のアンがタイラー州立公園へ連れてってくれました。アンは1年パス を持っているので、払わなくてよかったのですが、すごく気に入ったので60ドル払って1年パスをゲットしました。これでいつでも行かれます。このパスはテ キサスのどの州立公園でも使えます。

Block Party ブロックパーティ

We had a block party! I cooked some Jambalaya, and here's the picture. But I forgot to take some BBQ pictures. (I was too busy eating and drinking...)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


My friend was using YouTube for her blog to show some videos. I found this let iPhone users to watch video here (Yeah iPhone doesn't support flash...). So I'm trying YouTube this time. Let me know if it doesn't work on your iPhone.

Koko playing at school

Found a bird?

In the car after playing

Friday, July 16, 2010

Milky Queen ミルキークィーン

The last time I went to Houston, I found my favorite rice, Milky Queen.

This is what I usually get. (Koshihikari)
This one was $35 for 15lb this time. I think it was $16 for 20lb 5 years ago. I have no idea what is going on.

And this is the Milky Queen. ($5 more than the Koshihikari)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

VW Golf ゴルフ

Marcus just got a VW Jetta the other day. Now I got a Golf!

I love the newly designed seat. It actually looks darker than this picture.

Instrumental panel

Rear seats

Koko mode (rear seats folded)

Koko mode with the cargo cover (or whatever it's called).

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Koko ココ

I think Koko is getting little bit independent lately.

Sometimes, she doesn't wanna come back when I call.

but she tries to look for me when she can't see me.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Volkswagen フォルクスワーゲン

My 05 Honda Element started having problems. It went to the service three times last months. Now I see some leaking from the door. (weatherstrip?) I also hear some weird sound from the other door.
So, I went to look at some cars. I test drove Scion xD & xB, Toyota Yaris, Honda Fit, VW Golf & Jetta SportWagen. I also looked at Mazda 3 and Nissan Cube.
Scion xD handles pretty good, but it was little bit too small inside. xB has super roomy but I didn't really like the handling. Honda Fit was spacious, and its seat arrangement was really nice, but it was really noisy (both road and engine noise was not acceptable). I didn't really like Mazda 3. Nissan Cube doesn't go flat when you fold the rear seats (but their smart key option is nice).
I purchased a VW Polo back in 98 and drove it for 3 years. They'll start selling Polo here in the states from this fall. I really liked how VW handles, so I decided to look at some VW's after all the Japanese compact cars.
ということで車を見に行ってきました。試乗した車は、トヨタのイスト(こちらではScion xD)、カローラ・ルミオン(Scion xB)、ヴィッツ(Yaris)、ホンダ・フィット、フォルクスワーゲンのジェッタ、ゴルフ・ヴァリアント(Jetta SportWagen)。さらにマツダのアクセラ (Mazda 3)と日産のキューブも見てきました。


Jetta SportWagen

I loved the versatility of the wagon. It would be really nice for Koko. And it's only $1000 more than the Golf. But I really liked the Golf's handling. It was really fun to drive. It kinda reminded me of my old Polo.

Well, I didn't buy no cars, but look, Marcus got a Jetta!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bathing Koko お風呂

Koko was little bit sticky. I think I pet her too much.

So I decided to bathe her.

After the shower

Every time after shower, she goes crazy.


Played with Anne's dog Kobey

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sausage & Asparagus Pasta ソーセージとアスパラのパスタ

Fedelini, sausage, asparagus, garlic, sun-dried tomato, sweet basil, chili pepper, salt, pepper, krazy mixed-up seasoning salt, white wine

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Supplement サプリ

Koko's been taking this supplement called "Whole Dog Daily" everyday. You can read their website, but it's for natural defenses, digestion, skin, coat, and heart. Basically, this thing keep your dog healthy.

It's dog bone shaped!

So far, she likes how it tastes. I can use it as a treat. Since I started giving this supplement to her, she hasn't had diarrhea or gas problems. (She did have some stomach problems before. Especially, she had a pretty bad farting problem.)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mulukhiyah モロヘイヤ

I trimmed my mulukhiyah plants this morning.

boiled mulukhiyah and okra

Asparagus, bacon, tomato, butter, salt, pepper, lemon juice